This sketch builds off of the drawTown example:
Click here to run this code in the p5 editor!
function setup() {
createCanvas(600, 600);
function draw() {
background(0, 255, 100);
drawCity(0, 0, width, height);
function drawCity(cityX, cityY, cityWidth, cityHeight) {
drawTown(cityX, cityY, cityWidth * .5, cityHeight * .5);
drawTown(cityX + cityWidth * .5, cityY,
cityWidth * .5, cityHeight * .5);
drawTown(cityX, cityY + cityHeight * .5,
cityWidth * .5, cityHeight * .5);
drawTown(cityX + cityWidth * .5, cityY + cityHeight * .5,
cityWidth * .5, cityHeight * .5);
function drawTown(townX, townY, townWidth, townHeight) {
drawBlock(townX, townY,
townWidth * .45, townHeight * .45);
drawBlock(townX + townWidth * .55, townY,
townWidth * .45, townHeight * .45);
drawBlock(townX, townY + townHeight * .55,
townWidth * .45, townHeight * .45);
drawBlock(townX + townWidth * .55, townY + townHeight * .55,
townWidth * .45, townHeight * .45);
// roads
rect(townX + townWidth * .45, townY, townWidth * .1, townHeight);
rect(townX, townY + townHeight * .45, townWidth, townHeight * .1);
stroke(255, 255, 0);
line(townX + townWidth * .5, townY,
townX + townWidth * .5, townY + townHeight)
line(townX, townY + townHeight * .5,
townX + townWidth, townY + townHeight * .5);
function drawBlock(blockX, blockY, blockWidth, blockHeight) {
// yard
fill(0, random(200, 255), 0);
rect(blockX, blockY, blockWidth, blockHeight);
const r = random(1);
if(r < .25){
drawPlot(blockX + blockWidth * .1, blockY + blockHeight * .1,
blockWidth * .3, blockHeight * .7);
drawPlot(blockX + blockWidth * .6, blockY + blockHeight * .1,
blockWidth * .3, blockHeight * .7);
} else if(r < .5){
drawPlot(blockX + blockWidth * .1, blockY + blockHeight * .1,
blockWidth * .7, blockHeight * .3);
drawPlot(blockX + blockWidth * .1, blockY + blockHeight * .6,
blockWidth * .7, blockHeight * .3);
} else {
drawPlot(blockX + blockWidth * .1, blockY + blockHeight * .1,
blockWidth * .3, blockHeight * .3);
drawPlot(blockX + blockWidth * .6, blockY + blockHeight * .1,
blockWidth * .3, blockHeight * .3);
drawPlot(blockX + blockWidth * .1, blockY + blockHeight * .6,
blockWidth * .3, blockHeight * .3);
drawPlot(blockX + blockWidth * .6, blockY + blockHeight * .6,
blockWidth * .3, blockHeight * .3);
function drawPlot(plotX, plotY, plotWidth, plotHeight) {
const r = random(1);
if (r < .3) {
drawHouse(plotX, plotY, plotWidth, plotHeight);
} else if(r < .6) {
drawOffice(plotX, plotY, plotWidth, plotHeight);
} else {
drawFactory(plotX, plotY, plotWidth, plotHeight);
function drawHouse(houseX, houseY, houseWidth, houseHeight) {
const frontY = houseY + houseHeight * .4;
const frontHeight = houseHeight * .6;
// front
fill(random(255), random(255), random(255));
rect(houseX, frontY, houseWidth, frontHeight);
// roof
fill(random(255), random(255), random(255));
triangle(houseX, frontY,
houseX + houseWidth * .5, houseY,
houseX + houseWidth, frontY);
const windowWidth = houseWidth * .25;
const windowHeight = frontHeight * .25;
const windowY = frontY + frontHeight * .15;
const leftWindowX = houseX + houseWidth * .1;
const rightWindowX = (houseX + houseWidth) -
(houseWidth * .1) - windowWidth;
// windows
fill(random(255), random(255), random(255));
rect(leftWindowX, windowY, windowWidth, windowHeight);
line(leftWindowX, windowY + windowHeight * .5,
leftWindowX + windowWidth, windowY + windowHeight * .5);
line(leftWindowX + windowWidth * .5, windowY,
leftWindowX + windowWidth * .5, windowY + windowHeight);
rect(rightWindowX, windowY, windowWidth, windowHeight);
line(rightWindowX, windowY + windowHeight * .5,
rightWindowX + windowWidth, windowY + windowHeight * .5);
line(rightWindowX + windowWidth * .5, windowY,
rightWindowX + windowWidth * .5, windowY + windowHeight);
const doorWidth = houseWidth * .25;
const doorHeight = frontHeight * .4;
const doorX = houseX + houseWidth * .5 - doorWidth * .5;
const doorY = houseY + houseHeight - doorHeight;
// door
fill(random(255), random(255), random(255));
rect(doorX, doorY, doorWidth, doorHeight);
const doorknobX = doorX + doorWidth * .2;
const doorknobY = doorY + doorHeight * .5;
const doorknobSize = houseWidth * .05;
// doorknob
circle(doorknobX, doorknobY, doorknobSize);
function drawOffice(officeX, officeY, officeWidth, officeHeight) {
fill(random(255), random(255), random(255));
rect(officeX, officeY, officeWidth, officeHeight);
// windows
fill(random(255), random(255), random(255));
rect(officeX + officeWidth * .1, officeY + officeHeight * .1,
officeWidth * .2, officeHeight * .2);
rect(officeX + officeWidth * .4, officeY + officeHeight * .1,
officeWidth * .2, officeHeight * .2);
rect(officeX + officeWidth * .7, officeY + officeHeight * .1,
officeWidth * .2, officeHeight * .2);
rect(officeX + officeWidth * .1, officeY + officeHeight * .4,
officeWidth * .2, officeHeight * .2);
rect(officeX + officeWidth * .4, officeY + officeHeight * .4,
officeWidth * .2, officeHeight * .2);
rect(officeX + officeWidth * .7, officeY + officeHeight * .4,
officeWidth * .2, officeHeight * .2);
// door
fill(random(255), random(255), random(255));
rect(officeX + officeWidth * .4, officeY + officeHeight * .8,
officeWidth * .2, officeHeight * .2);
function drawFactory(factoryX, factoryY, factoryWidth, factoryHeight) {
fill(random(255), random(255), random(255));
// front
rect(factoryX, factoryY + factoryHeight * .5,
factoryWidth, factoryHeight * .5);
// stacks
rect(factoryX + factoryWidth * .2, factoryY + factoryHeight * .1,
factoryWidth * .1, factoryHeight * .4);
rect(factoryX + factoryWidth * .7, factoryY + factoryHeight * .1,
factoryWidth * .1, factoryHeight * .4);
// windows
fill(random(255), random(255), random(255));
rect(factoryX + factoryWidth * .2, factoryY + factoryHeight * .6,
factoryWidth * .1, factoryHeight * .1);
rect(factoryX + factoryWidth * .7, factoryY + factoryHeight * .6,
factoryWidth * .1, factoryHeight * .1);
// door
rect(factoryX + factoryWidth * .4, factoryY + factoryHeight * .8,
factoryWidth * .2, factoryHeight * .2);
This sketch defines a drawCity()
function that calls the drawTown()
function four times. The drawTown()
function calls the drawBlock()
function four times. The drawBlock()
function chooses a random layout (either two buildings next to each other, two buildings on top of each other, or four buildings), and then calls the drawPlot()
function based on the layout. The drawPlot()
function randomly calls the drawHouse()
, drawOffice()
, or drawFactory()
Use functions to draw a random city.
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