This code uses instances of the PVector
class (and the handy functions inside that class) to draw two eyes that follow the mouse. Creepy!
PVector leftEye;
PVector rightEye;
void setup(){
size(200, 100);
leftEye = new PVector(width*.25, height*.5);
rightEye = new PVector(width*.75, height*.5);
void draw(){
PVector mouseVector = new PVector(mouseX, mouseY);
PVector leftPupil = leftEye.copy().add(mouseVector.copy().sub(leftEye).setMag(10));
PVector rightPupil = rightEye.copy().add(mouseVector.copy().sub(rightEye).setMag(10));
ellipse(leftEye.x, leftEye.y, 50, 50);
ellipse(rightEye.x, rightEye.y, 50, 50);
ellipse(leftPupil.x, leftPupil.y, 20, 20);
ellipse(rightPupil.x, rightPupil.y, 20, 20);
We are doing a lot with just a couple lines of code, so let’s break that down into smaller steps. Take this line:
PVector leftPupil = leftEye.copy().add(mouseVector.copy().sub(leftEye).setMag(10));
This line can be broken up into its individual steps, that way we can better see what’s going on:
//copy the left eye so we don't change where we draw it when we call add()
PVector copyOfLeftEye = leftEye.copy();
//copy the mouseVector so we don't change it when we call sub()
PVector copyOfMouseVector = mouseVector.copy();
//subtract leftEye from copyOfMouseVector to get the direction to look
PVector difference = copyOfMouseVector.sub(leftEye);
//set the magnitude of the difference so the pupil doesn't go outside the eye
PVector scaledDifference = difference.setMag(10);
//add the scaledDifference to copyOfLeftEye so the pupil is centered around the eye
PVector leftPupil = copyOfLeftEye.add(scaledDifference);
class. Hint: basic trig comes in handy!This example creates creepy eyes that follow your mouse.
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