Glitch Lines

Glitch Lines

Glitch art is art that incorporates bugs and imperfections to create interesting patterns. It was also the theme of Genuary 3, so I wrote this sketch that adds glitchy artifacts to an image.

int lineSize = 50;
PImage image;

void setup() {
  size(500, 375);
  image = loadImage("images/img_28.jpg");
  image.resize(width, height);

  image(image, 0, 0, width, height);


void draw() {
  for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {

void drawOneLine() {
  int x = int(random(image.width));
  int y = int(random(image.height));

  color pixelColor = image.get(x, y);

  float r = random(1);

  // Draw lines in 4 directions
  if (r < .25) {
    line(x - lineSize / 2, y, x + lineSize / 2, y);
  } else if (r < .5) {
    line(x, y - lineSize / 2, x, y + lineSize / 2);
  } else if (r < .75) {
    line(x - lineSize / 2, y - lineSize / 2,
      x + lineSize / 2,
      y + lineSize / 2);
  } else {
    line(x - lineSize / 2, y + lineSize / 2,
      x + lineSize/2,
      y - lineSize/2);

  // Draw lines in random directions
  // line(x, y,
  //      x + random(-lineSize / 2, lineSize / 2),
  //      y + random(-lineSize / 2, lineSize / 2));

  // Draw lines in 2 directions
  //if (r < .5){
  //  line(0, y, width, y);
  //} else {
  //  line(x, 0, x, height);

glitchy pylons glitchy overlook glitchy beach glitchy sunset

Here’s a coding timelapse of the above video:

Remix Ideas

  • Use this code on your own images.
  • Change the logic for where the lines are drawn.
  • Make parts of the image glitchier than others.

Images Examples


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