size(200, 200);
float centerX = width/2;
float centerY = height/2;
float jWidth = random(width/2, width*.75);
float jHeight = random(height/2, height*.75);
stroke(0, random(50, 200), 0);
strokeWeight(random(5, 15));
line(centerX, centerY-jHeight/2, centerX + random(-jWidth*.25, jWidth*.25), centerY - jHeight*.75);
fill(random(200, 256), random(75, 125), 0);
stroke(random(100, 140), random(40, 80), 0);
ellipse(centerX, centerY, jWidth, jHeight);
ellipse(centerX, centerY, jWidth*.75, jHeight);
ellipse(centerX, centerY, jWidth*.5, jHeight);
ellipse(centerX, centerY, jWidth*.25, jHeight);
//generate left eye
float leftEyeWidth = random(jWidth*.1, jWidth*.35);
float leftEyeHeight = random(jHeight*.1, jHeight*.25);
float leftEyeX = ((centerX - jWidth/2) + centerX)/2;
float leftEyeY = centerY - jHeight*.1 - leftEyeHeight;
//generate right eye
float rightEyeWidth = random(jWidth*.1, jWidth*.35);
float rightEyeHeight = random(jHeight*.1, jHeight*.25);
float rightEyeX = ((centerX + jWidth/2) + centerX)/2;
float rightEyeY = centerY - jHeight*.1 - leftEyeHeight;
//draw eyes
triangle(leftEyeX, leftEyeY, leftEyeX - leftEyeWidth/2, leftEyeY + leftEyeHeight, leftEyeX + leftEyeWidth/2, leftEyeY + leftEyeHeight);
triangle(rightEyeX, rightEyeY, rightEyeX - rightEyeWidth/2, rightEyeY + rightEyeHeight, rightEyeX + rightEyeWidth/2, rightEyeY + rightEyeHeight);
//generate mouth
float mouthWidth = random(jWidth*.1, jWidth*.8);
float mouthHeight = random(jHeight*.1, jHeight*.25);
float mouthY = centerY + random(jHeight*.1, jHeight*.35);
//draw mouth
arc(centerX, mouthY, mouthWidth, mouthHeight, 3.14, 2*3.14);
line(centerX-mouthWidth/2, mouthY, centerX + mouthWidth/2, mouthY);
See the Pen by Happy Coding (@KevinWorkman) on CodePen.
This code uses variables along with the random()
function to procedurally generate random Jack-o’-lanterns. Every time you run the program, you get a different Jack-o’-lantern.
function to change the type of Jack-o’-lanterns you generate.Procedurally generate a Jack-o'-lantern.
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