These tutorials assume you're already familiar with the fundamentals of coding and that you've already worked through the Processing tutorials. You can build on that knowledge to "graduate" to Java!
Install and run Java.
Write, compile, and run your first Java application.
Try to guess what number the computer is thinking.
Think of a number and the computer will guess what it is.
Find months that have three paychecks in them.
Add your own example to Happy Coding.
Learn more about creating classes.
Teach an AI to write Taylor Swift lyrics.
Catch exceptions and debug errors in your code.
Take OOP to the next level.
Create a graphical user interface.
Rectangle buttons are so last year.
Guessing game gui
The power of other people's code.
Create a Mastodon bot using Mastodon4j
Upgrade your code editor.
Use Processing as a Java library.
Create a Processing sketch with a Swing control window.
Create a Java program that cycles through Processing sketches.
JUnit and Mockito
Package your code so other people can run it.