JavaScript - Week 04

Welcome to week 4 of Intro to Web Dev!

Now you know how to use HTML to create content, and CSS to style your content. This week you’ll learn about JavaScript, which lets you make your content interactive.

Work through the activities in this page to complete the week!


First, watch the videos and read through the tutorials:

Calling JavaScript


Creating Functions

Interactive HTML


  1. In your own words, what is JavaScript? What is it used for?
  2. What is the difference between HTML, CSS, and JavaScript?
  3. What is a variable in JavaScript? What are they used for?
  4. What is a function in JavaScript? What are they used for? How do you create and use one?
  5. What is the DOM? What is DOM manipulation? Can you give an example?


Now you’ve seen the fundamentals of JavaScript and DOM manipulation.

To practice that, modify the files in the week-04-dom-manipulation directory of your project repo.


  1. Learn about JavaScript and DOM manipulation
  2. Follow the directions in the week-04-dom-manipulation directory of your project repo
  3. Push those changes to GitHub and confirm you can see them in your GitHub Pages site
  4. Get ready to present your work. Make sure your camera and microphone work!