Spooky Text

Spooky Text

This sketch uses the sin() function to create spooky text!

let message = 'Spoooooky!';
let messageX;
const xSpeed = 2;
const ySpeed = 0.05;
const amplitude = 100;
const verticalLetterSpacing = 10;
let font;

function preload() {
  font = loadFont('PentagramExtended.ttf');

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400);

  messageX = width;

function draw() {
  fill(255, 100, 25);


  for (let i = 0; i < message.length; i++) {
    const letterX = messageX + textWidth(message.substring(0, i));

    const letterOffset = i * verticalLetterSpacing;
    const letterY = height / 2 +
      sin((frameCount - letterOffset) * ySpeed) * amplitude;

    text(message[i], letterX, letterY);

  messageX -= xSpeed;
  if (messageX < - textWidth(message)) {
    messageX = width + 50;

  text("Font by @somepx", 25, height - 25);

function mouseClicked(){
  window.open('https://somepx.itch.io/', '_blank');

Click here to edit this code in the p5.js editor.

spooky text

Remix Ideas

  • Change the message, or change the variables at the top to change the animation.
  • Use a different font.
  • Make each letter a different color.

For Loops Examples


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